TestingTime News

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Private Pool News
21. November 2022 · Read time 1 min.
Private Pool news and major findings of the online survey
7. June 2022 · Read time 2 min.
Layout improvements, contact box and new sign up for test users
5. May 2022 · Read time 1 min.
Export, self-service moderated & Norstat
29. April 2022 · Read time 1 min.
New filters and statistics, individual top questions for Private Pool and new team members
25. February 2022 · Read time 1 min.
New unmoderated studies flow, RapidUsertests partnership and 2021 highlights
12. January 2022 · Read time 1 min.
Self-service update: New flow for unmoderated studies and surveys
29. December 2021 · Read time 2 min.
Add additional contacts and information
22. December 2021 · Read time 1 min.
Confirmation page, B2B decision-makers and self-service
25. November 2021
Backup test users, criteria confirmation videos and more
28. October 2021 · Read time 1 min.